Monday, March 11, 2013

Journal #4-"Join the Flock" and "Enhance Your Twitter Experience"

Journal # 4- “Join the Flock” and “Enhance Your Twitter Experience”

Summary- In the article “Join the Flock,” describes the benefits of taking part in a PLN community. It is a great idea to connect with other professionals through social networks. Twitter is a great place for educators to interact with other teachers. In this social network teachers can ask for support or share teaching strategies that enhance student learning. In the article “Enhance Your Twitter Experience,” I learned how easy is to use and manage a Twitter account. You can collaborate and share useful information with colleagues from other parts of the world. She also shared that thanks to Twitter, she had the opportunity to meet important professionals that presented in her classroom. She shared a formula that tells you how much input one should put in Twitter in a regular basis, 70% of the time should be spent in sharing information from other people, 20% of the time should be spent on commenting and making opinions about different issues and the last 10% chi-chatting with other people.

Question #1-What are some of the advantages of using PLN?
I think that when you get involved in a PLN community you have the advantage of learning from different professionals. You have the opportunity to interact with people from all over the world and share your thoughts about different issues that affect of benefit our daily life.

Question #2- Are there any applications that make Twitter easy to manage?
There are many different resources/applications that can help you manage twitter accounts. For example Hootlet, TweetShrink, and TweetDeck.

Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the Flock!. Learning & Leading with Technology, Retrieved from

McClintock Miller, S. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning & Leading with Technology, Retrieved from

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