Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Journal #7 PLN

Professional Learning Network

Networking is one of the most useful skills that you can develop in your college experience. This will not only help you develop your social skills but also your professionalism. A Professional Learning Network also known as (PLN) is a way to interact and learn by collaboration and developing professional networks not only with local teachers/professionals/students but also with people from all over the world. I had the opportunity to learn how to use a variety of PLNs, such as; Twitter, Diigo, and Classroom 2.0. As a future teacher, PLN will help by obtaining ideas from professionals from all over the world, it will also help me share my ideas and provide feedback.
Before this class, I was not really interested in Twitter. I thought that it was just a social network. I discovered that this specific social network lets you share innovative ideas that you can implement in your classroom. In my network I added my fellow classmates, teachers, school administrators, and students. In, May 8th, 2013, I joined a group chat. The group chat was called #ntchat, during this group chat we discussed a really interesting topic. The topic for that day was PLN; we discussed different ways in which we can use different networks in order for use to obtain more knowledge as new teachers. These types of communities allow you to share ideas, lesson plans, strategies, and a lot of knowledge. At the same time you can receive feedback from educators from all over the world.
Diigo is another way to network with professionals. This tool makes it really easy for you to highlight, share, bookmark, and store researched information. One of the main features of this tool is that you can put a hash-tag in your bookmarks and share the information with individuals that have the same interest as you. 

I joined Classroom 2.0; it is a free site that allows you to share ideas with other “beginners”. It makes you feel confortable and that helps you to interact with other people that are also experiencing the same thing. The video I watched was very inspirational. It was a refection on what all college students experience at one point in their higher educational career.

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